
On Repeat: The Black Keys


If you haven't heard of The Black Keys, you have now.  Go get yourself a treat.


Coachella Street Style

It was hard to miss Coachella this year, but my friends enjoyed the festival for me.  And besides, I have Sasquatch to look forward to!  Kudos to their street style, at the hipest festival of the year.

May Recap

My life has been ruled by commercial production this past month and I have had NO time to write in this lil' old blog of mine.  That doesn't mean I have been slacking on seeing live music though!  I have so much to go over it makes my head hurt.  I'm currently in Montana and head to the famous GORGE tomorrow for a weekend I've been thinking about everyday for the last several months--Sasquatch Festival.  Check back next week for my report.

Florence & The Machine - Terminal 5

I've said this before, but I hate hate hate this venue.  Florence went on way earlier than expected and unfortunately I missed half the show.  Not to mention I've never been around such an angry crowd!  Who are these fans of yours my dear Florence?  Good thing I could still see your fire engine red hair and hear your beautiful sweet voice.

Local Natives - Bowery Ballroom
Gorilla Manor
Local Natives

Missed the Yeasayer show for this, sigh.  Got over that quickly once the music started rocking my world.  SUCKERS opened for Local Natives, and they were okay.  Totally forgot we shot them at SXSW, but Natives stuck out for sure.  

Mumford & Sons - Music Hall of Williamsburg
Sigh No More
Mumord & Sons
Boys boys boys, I love ya.  And apparently so did every single person in the audience.  The crowd sang every lyric--no BELTED every lyric.  There is no mistaking how much your fans adore you.  And now I'm one of them.

The Black Keys - Super Secret show @ Classic Car Club

photo courtesy of Brooklyn Vegan
No, I did not go to this, but one lucky friend did.  Don't worry, I'll see them at Central Park Summerstage in July, and have been listening to Brothers nonstop.  This is different Black Keys.  Different and wonderful, and filling my ears with sounds and mixtures of beats original to the Keys, yet keeping their classic sound nonetheless.


Last Week In Concert: The Morning Benders, Rodrigo y Gabriela, MGMT

The Morning Benders, Big Echo
The young San Fran quartet played their new album in it's entirety at Mercury Lounge last week.  This unassuming group has the best vocals technically and harmonically I have heard in quite some time.  The reverb was awesome and the new album sounds just as good as Talking Through Tin Cans.  Pick up a copy of The Bedroom Covers--an excellent compilation of covers including The Smiths, Talking Heads, and Paul Simon. 
What's cool about a venue like Mercury is the intimacy, and the fact that you can run into the band at the bar before they go on.  I said a quick hello to the lead singer, Chris Chu, and told him I was uber excited to see them open up for The Black Keys at Central Park Summerstage in July.  They were also one of my favorites of "Ahead of the Curve '09-San Fran" and I didn't hesitate to let Chu know.  It was rewarding to hear him say how much he liked the final spot and then he continued on to chat with Jason Schwartzman, who is clearly a big fan.  Congrats on your success, Morning Benders!           

The Morning Benders, "Excuses"
MGMT, Congratulations
I've listened to this album twice, and I'm already obsessed.  The hipster community is apparently up in arms and not as impressed--boo hoo.  Cheers to these guys for coming out with something experimental, not feeling pressured into following up Oracular Spectacular with instant hit singles, and for composing a stellar sophomore effort.
Rodrigo y Gabriela, 11:11
Rod & Gab played their hearts out at Radio City on Thursday night, and I was lucky enough to be front and center.  Now I understand the hype of Radio City...sitting in the orchestra makes a world of difference.  You sure feel like you are right there with the performers on stage.  I may have had a little too much bubbly (when have I not), but Rod & Gab's guitar skills were explosive.  Please please go out and see them when you get a chance!  The performance took me back to the days of the Gypsy Kings, yet these two don't sing, nor do they need to.

Rodrigo y Gabriela, "11:11"

Live. Breathe. Drink. Love. Laugh. Eat. Play. Listen.